About Me.
  • I work as the Campaign Organiser for Migrant Voice . Advocating and demanding change with migrants and refugees in the United Kingdom for equal rights and justice
  • I manage projects and provide consultancy services. Having supported the delivery of over 25 projects with partners such as the Ministry of Justice, Tudor Trust and various Council’s
  • I provide legal advice. Having represented over 50 refugees on the global stage, drafting legal submissions to various Bodies and advocating for their rights
  • I act as a Trustee for Refugee Cafe in Lewisham, alongside supporting Aspiring Barristers Ltd, The Lawyers Portal and The LADS Project
  • I am an award winning businessman and restaurateur, winning the Catering Circle's Restaurant Star Show Awards Season 7
  • I game. Ever wanted to hear a legal perspective of some of the world's best role playing games? I livestream on Twitch
Migrant Voice.

I am the Campaign Organiser for Migrant Voice, a migrant led, national organisation building a movement and growing a community demanding justice and equal rights. We put migrant voices at the centre of the migration debate through developing the skills and confidence of migrants, including asylum seekers and refugees across the UK. Find out more here

Refugee Cafe.

I am a Trustee and Legal Advisor to Refugee Cafe, working to support refugees in Lewisham with training programmes and community building initiatives through the love of food. We're at an exciting stage of our journey, and you can find out more about us here

Viceroy of Windsor.

I have been in the restaurant industry since 14, the Viceroy is my home. A lifetime member of the British Bangladeshi Catering Association and the winner of Catering Circle's Star Show Awards against 700 restaurateurs across the UK, debating current issues, showcasing innovation and arguing the importance of sustainability and eco-friendly practices in an ever-changing world. Watch my live performances here

Consultancy and Project Management.

At Collaborate we work towards building the parameters for effective systems change, supporting better models of working and how we think about delivering services. Shaped by the belief that collaboration is how we can achieve things together that we cannot do alone, and in time, reshape those ends to reflect our shared values. Paving the way to a fairer, kinder and more sustainable world You can read about some of my projects here and my report looking at Diversity in the Charity Sector here

Asylum and Immigration.

I have been a Caseworker supporting refugees across the globe for over 5 years with asylum applications in the United Kingdom and Spain. I provide pro-bono advice, support and guidance to those that need it most. Find out about your rights here

My Practitioner Article showcases practical interpretation of English Asylum Law, used by asylum seekers and caseworkers alike on current issues and procedures

Casework and Drafting.

Before Law School I completed a Mini-Pupillage at Temple Court Chambers shadowing Barrister Afjal Zamee, assisting his casework. I worked with the Afghanistan and Central Asian Association, providing pro-bono legal advice and supporting marginalised women in the UK. I interned at Redress, working mainly international detention cases, notably that of Nazanin Zaghari-Radcliffe and Jagtar Singh Johal. My time at the Spanish League for Human Rights gave me my first opportunity to directly support refugees in Madrid, advocating directly on their behalf in the Spanish Courts.

Barrister Gaming.

I have always been a gamer at heart. Engrossed in the fantasy of worlds and empire building, from World of Warcraft and Runescape to Age of Empires and Halo. The adrenaline, the storylines, the chance to be the hero you always wanted to be. And I get to share that passion on my Twitch stream

About Taj.

My family are originally from Bangladesh and my parents moved into Windsor in the early 90s and we have been here ever since. I attended St Edwards Middle School and afterwards the Windsor Boys School where I reflected on my experiences on my own podcast. It was at University where I knew what I wanted to do in this life, where I thought my purpose lied. That led me around the world working with refugees and the world's disadvantaged, on the path of becoming a Barrister. It was not smooth sailing, but muddied waters and cloudy skies, and that is where our Journey Begins...